Course Price: $300
Are you ready to discover your creative potential?

The "Creativity Online Course" is a one-month online experience that will inspire you to explore your authenticity and uniqueness in fascinating manners.
The mystery of Creativity will open to you, transforming your mind and practices forever.

I will share with you powerful secrets and techniques from my personal and professional experience as Mystery Performer and Psychologist.

In this course you will learn:

The modern understanding of Creativity as a life skill
Creative habits so you can create your own routines and methods
Effective tools to develop your creativity every day
Simple ways to open your mind to curiosity, awe and wonder
Mind techniques to shift of your state of consciousness 

Not only this!
With this course you will also get a lifetime opportunity of creative coaching.

If you are ready to this fascinating creative journey, book your sessions today!

(if you need payment flexibility, just contact me and we can arrange a  creative way for you)

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